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Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Whether a weekend warrior or a seasoned semi-professional or professional competitor, athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, the thing that can keep them healthy and give them a bit more in the tank to defeat the competition. 

Sports acupuncture is a great tool athletes can use as part of their overall health care strategy. Sports acupuncture is a hybrid form of acupuncture and sports medicine that is specifically used to support sports-related activity. Athletes and runners especially can use sports medicine acupuncture to relieve pain, accelerate the healing of sports related injuries, improve performance, and increase muscle flexibility. Let’s unpack each of these benefits and see just how sports acupuncture can be used to treat athletes. continue reading »

Acupuntura y Dolor

Desentrañando el misterio de los cuerpos que predicen el tiempo y el poder de desbloquear la energía

La acupuntura, una parte integral de la Medicina Tradicional China (MTC), se practica desde hace miles de años. Está ganando cada vez más reconocimiento en la medicina occidental por su eficacia en el tratamiento de diversos tipos de dolor. La filosofía de la acupuntura tiene sus raíces en los principios del bisíndrome, el estancamiento y la capacidad única y sorprendente del cuerpo para predecir los cambios climáticos. Profundicemos en estos fascinantes aspectos de la acupuntura y comprendamos cómo contribuyen al manejo del dolor.

Acupuntura: una introducción
La acupuntura implica la inserción de agujas muy finas en puntos específicos del cuerpo, conocidos como puntos de acupuntura. Esto se hace para regular el flujo de ‘Qi’ (pronunciado “chee”) o energía de fuerza vital, promoviendo así la curación y el bienestar. Cuando el Qi fluye libremente, experimentamos buena salud. Cuando se bloquea o se interrumpe, experimentamos enfermedad o dolor. Aquí es donde entran los conceptos de bisíndrome y estancamiento.

Entendiendo el síndrome bi
En la medicina tradicional china, el bisíndrome se refiere a un grupo de síntomas que generalmente se asocian con dolor, entumecimiento, pesadez e hinchazón en los músculos, tendones, huesos y articulaciones. El término “bi” significa obstrucción y se cree que el síndrome bi ocurre cuando el Qi y la circulación sanguínea en los meridianos (canales de energía) están bloqueados. Los cambios climáticos, particularmente el frío, la humedad y el viento, se consideran factores importantes que causan el bisíndrome.

Al utilizar la acupuntura para estimular puntos de acupuntura específicos, podemos ayudar a desbloquear el Qi, mejorar la circulación y aliviar los síntomas del bisíndrome.

El estancamiento y su papel en el dolor
El estancamiento en la MTC se asocia con el concepto de que el dolor es el resultado de un Qi o sangre bloqueado o estancado. Cuando se impide el libre flujo de estas sustancias vitales, puede provocar dolor. Este concepto es similar a la forma en que la medicina occidental entiende que un flujo sanguíneo deficiente puede provocar daño tisular y dolor.

El papel de la acupuntura en el tratamiento del dolor relacionado con el estancamiento implica la estimulación de los puntos de acupuntura para restaurar el libre flujo de Qi y sangre. Esta acción reduce el dolor y promueve la curación.

Nuestro cuerpo: la veleta
¿Alguna vez has notado cómo algunas personas afirman que pueden predecir el clima basándose en el dolor de sus articulaciones? Resulta que esto no es sólo un cuento de viejas. De hecho, los cambios en la presión atmosférica, la temperatura y la humedad pueden afectar nuestros cuerpos, particularmente aquellos que padecen enfermedades de dolor crónico como la artritis. Este fenómeno está estrechamente relacionado con el concepto de bisíndrome en la MTC.

A medida que cambia el clima, las personas con síndrome bis pueden experimentar síntomas exacerbados debido a que el Qi y la sangre en sus cuerpos se bloquean más. Por lo tanto, la acupuntura puede desempeñar un papel importante en la mitigación de estos ataques de dolor relacionados con el clima al mantener el flujo fluido de Qi y sangre.

La acupuntura ofrece un enfoque único y natural para el manejo del dolor, que abarca conceptos como bisíndrome y estancamiento y reconoce la profunda interconexión entre nuestros cuerpos y el medio ambiente. Al desbloquear el Qi y promover el libre flujo de energía, la acupuntura no solo alivia el dolor sino que también nos ayuda a comprender y sintonizarnos mejor con nuestro cuerpo.

Si ha estado luchando contra el dolor crónico o relacionado con el clima, o conoce a alguien que lo esté, considere probar la acupuntura.

Tu cuerpo (y tu tranquilidad) quizá te lo agradezcan.

Acupuncture, An Effective Solution for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do you experience tingling in your hand or fingers? Pain that radiates from your wrist to your shoulder? Maybe even difficulty holding small objects? If so, you could be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), an uncomfortable and sometimes disabling condition that affects up to five million Americans.
The good news is that we can help you. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can effectively treat CTS without side effects or harmful medications.
The good news is that lifestyle changes can relieve symptoms, and there are many treatments available to help. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can effectively treat CTS without side effects or harmful medications.

What is CTS?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that protects the median nerve which innervates the hand as well as tendons that control the fingers. This nerve controls sensation and muscle movements in the hand. If the carpal tunnel becomes narrowed from swelling or injury, the nerve is compressed and impinged. This can cause numbness, pain, and severe weakness in the hands.
There are several causes of CTS, but the main culprit is repetitive flexion and extension of the tendons in the hands and wrists, especially when performed for long periods, leading to Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI).
Symptoms usually start with dull wrist pain that gradually worsens. Other symptoms may include:
1. Loss of feeling in the fingers
2. Numbness, tingling, or burning   sensations in the fingers or hand
3. Pain extending from the wrist up the arm to the shoulder or down into the   palm or fingers
4. Weakness in the hands and difficulty holding objects

How can acupuncture help?

Typically, treatment for CTS is based on how severe the symptoms are, and may include immobilizing the wrist and hand, using anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids to reduce swelling, and surgery in severe cases. Acupuncture and TCM can safely be used in conjunction with Western treatments to relieve CTS symptoms.
Studies suggest that acupuncture can both reduce swelling of soft tissue and stimulate production of cortisol, a hormone that reduces inflammation. Since CTS is caused by the swelling of the soft tissue that leads to inflammation of the carpal tunnel, acupuncture can be effective in treating CTS. In addition to improving your CTS, treatment may also improve other symptoms often associated with this condition such as headaches, neck pain, and shoulder stiffness. More importantly, acupuncture and TCM can help relieve the emotional stress of living with this painful condition.
Once we start treatment we will create a personalized treatment plan designed to address your body’s imbalances. During treatment, fine, sterile needles will be inserted at specific acupoints along the meridians in order to support and strengthen your body and eliminate pain.


We make it simple and affordable to start your care:
1 . Schedule your appointment by calling our office or online
2 . Download and fill out the initial visit forms (you can do that at the office as well)
3 . Show up to your appointment in between meals if at all possible
If you have have health insurance and would like us to find out if your plan covers acupuncture send us an online request to verify your insurance.
Not treating your CTS and its root-causes will lead to severe pain, inability to perform simple tasks, and the need for surgery.  Acupuncture and TCM offer a safe, pain-free, natural way to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. With proper care, you can recover from CTS. As you continue with treatment, you may even find that your overall health and well being improve

Acupuncture as an Alternative to Opioids

Acupuncture as an Alternative to Opioids

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, almost 50,000 people die every year from opioid overdoses, more than 10 million misuse opioids in a given year, and opioids are a factor in 72% of overdose deaths. You hear about the opioid crisis on the nightly news frequently but what can be done to help people deal with chronic pain (the reason they are likely taking the opioids in the first place). Can acupuncture really help?  continue reading »

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi traveling through pathways in the body that are called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear.  continue reading »

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