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Acupuncture Wrapped: An overview of some of the most exciting discoveries in 2020

Acupuncture Wrapped: An overview of some of the most exciting discoveries in 2020

As we enter a new year, it is natural to want to look back on the last one. As humans, we have the gift and the hurdle of marking time, so it can feel helpful to recall memories we want to hold on to or look for lessons we can take with us.  

To that end, here are three categories in which research into the type, application and efficacy of acupuncture saw significant advancements in 2020, findings that will certainly help guide us as we move forward. In a year that saw so much focus on our health, these findings offer some good news in the fields of pain management without opioids, migraine headaches, and insight into why it is that acupuncture is effective as an anti-inflammatory.  continue reading »

Acupuncture for Temporomandibular Disorders

Temporomandibular disorders refers to a group of conditions that affect the joints of the jaw or the temporomandibular joints. These joints are located bilaterally on the face, in front of the ears and connecting the jaw bone to the skull. These joints are complicated, allowing for movement in multiple directions.

For some, temporomandibular disorders (TMD) can be caused by trauma such as a car accident or a hit to the face. But for most, these issues seem to appear out of nowhere. Many people do things on a daily basis or have underlying conditions that can cause or contribute to the development of temporomandibular disorders. Things like teeth grinding, gum chewing, excessive stress, malocclusion of teeth and even arthritis can all be reasons that TMD occurs. The most common symptoms of TMD include pain, headaches, muffled hearing, earaches, pain when chewing, dental pain, chipped or worn teeth, jaw clicking, dizziness, neck pain and difficulty moving the jaw.

Conventional treatments for TMD vary from eating soft foods to taking over-the-counter pain medications and using hot or cold packs. Often, mouth guards and physical therapy are also prescribed. Sometimes specific dental work may also be suggested. And as a last resort, steroid injections and jaw surgery may be used. Unfortunately, the success of these treatments is limited.

Traditional Chinese Medicine can be a great alternative. Acupuncture, moxibustion and electroacupuncture can be especially beneficial for people with TMD.

Numerous studies have shown acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation caused by TMD. Acupuncture reduces the sensation of pain by directly stimulating the nerves, which changes the signaling to the brain. Acupuncture stimulates the release of neurotransmitters and endorphins in the body. These are naturally occurring substances that help decrease and block pain perception by the brain.

Placing acupuncture needles directly into the belly of the jaw muscle can also elicit a muscle twitch. This muscle twitch can then release the built up tension throughout the muscle, allowing it to reset. When the muscle tension is released, so too is the pain and tightness. By adding in electroacupuncture, the muscle is then reminded of how it is supposed to act.

Acupuncture is also proven to help reduce stress that is often associated with painful disorders like TMD. When people feel stressed, the brain releases a hormone called cortisol. Too much cortisol can alter the way the brain perceives pain, and it can also cause involuntary muscle spasms in the jaw muscles. This can lead to excessive pain in the temporomandibular joints.

If you or somebody you love is facing the pain of TMD, consider utilizing acupuncture and the other modalities of TCM to treat the issue. It is a much safer alternative, it can save a lot of money and these modalities offer improved overall health.


Are you suffering from pain, high level of stress, or just physical or mental tension?

Our wellness center offers acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, acupressure massage, and other forms of Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of pain and other physical and mental/emotional symptoms.

We accept health insurance (if they cover acupuncture) and offer affordable care plans. We also have  payment plans available for those in financial need. For more information or to schedule  an appointment call us at 630-837-4241 or schedule online 

Can my elbow pain be related to my Heart?

Golfer’s Elbow is commonly associated with the Heart in Chinese Medicine. This type of pain manifests along the invisible energetic pathways of the Heart when the body’s Qi (energy) and blood are not able to properly circulate. The root cause of this type of tendonitis may also be related to other organ systems of the body, but more often results in pain along the Heart channel. Other symptoms often experienced with this type of imbalance are sleeplessness, irritability, depression and even erectile disfunction in men. 

My role as a licensed Acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to formulate a treatment plan that caters to your body’s unique and specific needs. This includes strategically stimulating Acu-points to increase blood circulation and oxygen levels at the site of pain, as well as addressing any further imbalances that could be contributing to the cause of your discomfort.

If you are experiencing this or any other types of pain and would like to find out how you can live pain-free once again, call our office or schedule your initial evaluation online today.    

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